Environmentalism and Christian Stewardship
It is hard to read anything now in the news without being warned of the dire straits we have put our earth into. We are told that if we do not take action now the world will be sent into impending doom. We as Christians, often go down two paths when we are faced with such predictions. Some of us may be tempted to listen entirely to the warnings of doom and fling ourselves fully into the effort to save the world. It is very easy to fall for this as we scroll through emotionally tugging images of receding glaciers and shrinking forests. But we are not to look at the world through the lenses of a secular scientist. God's Word comes first and foremost in every area of life. And that brings us to the other alternative, which is on the other end of the spectrum. Instead of heeding the warnings, we may want to ignore the predictions all together and not do anything about it. After all, God told us to subdue the earth (Genesis 1:28) so why should we care at all? ...