
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Reigning King

When David penned Psalm 2 his confusion was evident. All around him he saw the nations rising against God and trying to throw off His law. They regarded the law as a shackle that infringed on their personal freedom. The irony of all this was that it was utter futility. God was in control and laughed as his powerless creatures tried to rebel against him. ...And nothing has changed it seems. Nearly three millennia later, we are faced with the same issue. Where once God's law prevailed, it is now being torn down. People want the choice to act as they wish, and God's law is far too restrictive for them. It is easy for us to lose hope. Christianity is steadily losing ground as Secularism takes root in the culture. Those who remain true to God's Word are derided as being hateful, intolerant, and outdated.    And the saddest reality is that much of the church has already succumbed to the lies of the world and lost its firm foundation. It's only a matter of time w...