The Reigning King

When David penned Psalm 2 his confusion was evident. All around him he saw the nations rising against God and trying to throw off His law. They regarded the law as a shackle that infringed on their personal freedom. The irony of all this was that it was utter futility. God was in control and laughed as his powerless creatures tried to rebel against him.

...And nothing has changed it seems.

Nearly three millennia later, we are faced with the same issue. Where once God's law prevailed, it is now being torn down. People want the choice to act as they wish, and God's law is far too restrictive for them.

It is easy for us to lose hope. Christianity is steadily losing ground as Secularism takes root in the culture. Those who remain true to God's Word are derided as being hateful, intolerant, and outdated.  And the saddest reality is that much of the church has already succumbed to the lies of the world and lost its firm foundation. It's only a matter of time we are told, that the church in the West will cease to be. 

Here we ought to stop and asses our response to this decline. Are we standing up for God’s Word or shrinking back? Too often comfort has become an idol that restrains our witness. We would rather be polite and not hurt anyone then share the gospel with those who need it.

Christ's words speak to us: "For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:26; ESV)

If we are truly saddened to see the moral and spiritual collapse of this culture it is hypocritical to bury ourselves deeper and try to avoid it. We are the light of the world. Lights are meant to be seen not hidden. We have a choice: Seeking the temporary admiration of man or the eternal honour of God.

But the words of Psalm 2 offer much hope to us. The rulers of the nations are not supreme. There is another ruler, a King, one who reigns even now. King Jesus has not left his church. 

And herein lies our comfort. Though the church should seem to decline and fade away in this country God is still seated on his throne and ruling. 

He's not just ruling, however, he's ruling for our good. "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
(Romans 8:28)

The psalm ends on a wonderful note as David contemplates Christ's return and judgment of the world. We often don't like to talk about judgment in our sanitary Western setting. But David makes it clear that this is something we hope for - something we look toward with expectancy, because it is then that our trials in this life will be rewarded. It is then that the nations will truly see that there is no God but our God. They will be brought to shame as the very one they derided rises in glory and majesty as King of the nations, and we will be called home. 

So let us not lose hope. Christ is still reigning. He has a plan even as the church despite the hardships it faces now. Our mission is to live wholeheartedly for him and his truth. 


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